All spectators will be expected to adhere to CDC COVID guidelines in regards to social distancing, hand sanitizing and face masks while within the complex grounds.
Spectators are encouraged to utilized personal lawn chairs.
Bleachers will be used in a limited capacity to allow for adequate social distancing.
Bathrooms will be supplied with hand sanitizer and open for public use.
No sunflower seeds will be allowed on the grounds by spectators or players.
In between each game during the state tournament the grandstand and dugouts will need to be cleared to allow for sanitizing.
Players are also expected to adhere to CDC COVID guidelines. The dugout area will be expanded to allow for additional space for team members and coaching staff to social distance. Dugouts will also be supplied with hand sanitizer. There will be no team water coolers supplied or allowed. Spectators are not allowed within the designated dugout area.
Please look for and adhere to signage posted throughout the complex and be attentive to announcements during the tournament.